Çin'in Hızlı Gelişimi Ve Ekonomik Geleceğinin Belirsizliği
In 1978, China transitioned from previously pursued social planning economic policies to a social market economy through economic reforms. As a result of these reforms, China transformed from a status of being one of the lagging Third World countries in the 20th century to become one of the fastest-rising global powers today. This rapid ascent can be attributed significantly to the Chinese leadership's ability to learn from past mistakes by moving away from the ideological approaches of founding leader Mao Zedong and implementing the pragmatic policies of reformist Deng Xiaoping. China has managed foreign capital and technology transfers in a controlled manner, aligning them with its interests. The government prioritized infrastructure and education while opting for production- and export-oriented development policies. By concealing its true intentions, China has peacefully engaged the world, successfully garnering the support of modern economies such as the United States and Japan, and leveraging their experiences and knowledge to strengthen itself in various areas. Today, China possesses the world’s second-largest economy; however, despite its achievements, it faces significant challenges. Instead of pursuing political reforms, it has adopted a more authoritarian path, grappling with issues such as environmental pollution and income and wealth inequality within the country. Additionally, China's increasingly assertive expansionist posture has begun attracting the attention of its neighbors and other nations worldwide. Many countries, particularly the United States, have started reassessing their relationships with China, entering into a competitive dynamic to protect their interests. These factors have introduced uncertainties regarding the future of China's economy and the sustainability of its growth.
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