Administrative Participatıon of Citizens In Local Administrations: Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Sample
The economic crisis of the 1970s has led to reconsideration of the present function of state, and the gradual minimalization of expanded responsibilities and functions of state has been widely discussed. This has also caused some changes in understanding of administration, replacing conventional approaches to novel ones. Since the 1980s, with the developments in information and communication technology as well as the effect of globalization, the new public management approach and the governance approach arising from this understanding have begun to be implemented worldwide, especially in the developed countries. One of the indispensable elements of the new public administration and governance approach is participation. Since local governments are the closest public administration units to citizens, they are the units where democratic participation can be applied best in practice. Kahramanmaraş gained metropolitan status in 2014 with the law numbered 6360 and enacted in 2012. Settlement units, which used to be defined by the concept of central district, were structured as district municipalities thereby two new districts named Onikişubat and Dulkadiroğlu were established, and the status of the villages affiliated to these districts was changed to neighborhood. Citizens who used to live in the central district and receive service from a single municipality, with the new regulation, started to receive service from the district municipalities of Onikişubat and Dulkadiroğlu and the Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, which is a provides local services within the provincial borders. In this research, it is aimed to measure the level of participation of citizens living in Onikisubat and Dulkadiroğlu districts according to their income status, education level and county of residence in the decision-making and implementation process of Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality.
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